Friday 17 February 2012

Career: Finding Something You Love!

Hey Girls :-)

Been a little while since I last blogged but I have been mega busy with university work, but it got me thinking about how much I love my chosen career and also how long it has taken me to realise the right career path for me. I thought I should share my experiences and how to find a career that'll make you happy!

Picture Source: Google Images

Here is my story to begin with (If you find it too long and boring, feel free to scroll down to top tips!)

I am a student learning disabilities nurse but I originally wanted to be a teacher, so after gaining a degree in religious studies and then experience in a mainstream secondary school (paid work as a cover supervisor - it was tough), a couple of primary schools (a week here, a day there for free just for the experience) I ended up working at a special school where I worked as a teaching assistant for 2 years. I discovered a love for working with children with learning disabilities, the job was absolutely amazing and I loved it but the only downside was that without further training there was not much I could do to progress, so I decided to research what else I could do so I can work with people who have learning disabilities. I looked at occupational therapy, speech and language therapy and even reconsidered teaching but then I came across a learning disabilities nursing course in a university prospectus and found something that made me go, "Yes! This sounds perfect for me..."

So, I had found something that sounded perfect for what I want to do, now I had to pursue it. I decided to apply to universities close by through UCAS, it would have meant having to live with my parents and living off a bursary for 3 years but it was going to be worth it. However, by pure chance I was going through the NHS jobs website (I was helping someone else in a job search) and I came across the opportunity to be sponsored by a local NHS trust to do the course I applied for, which would mean being paid a salary and being contracted to a particular trust. To me this sounded like an amazing opportunity, I was very doubtful of my chances but heck I applied anyway! Imagine my surprise when I get an email saying I have been invited for interview, ensue panic as I get so nervous at interviews! My dad suggested I visited the queen of blag (my sister) and practised interviewing, I also did as much research as I could about current issues in nursing, the trust, the role of a learning disabilities nurse and believe me it paid off! I went to interview and I got the sponsorship! Woohoo!

Anyway, I am still in my 1st year of the course and it goes to show that hard work does pay off. So here are my top tips for getting a career you love:

1. Find an area you are interested in. This could be anything, for me it was learning disabilities but for you it could be something you discovered in your current or previous job, it could even be a hobby. You are more likely to love your career if it's related to something you love doing or a group of people you enjoy working with.

2. Research possible career paths related to your interests. If for example you are very fond of beauty or make up, maybe you could start by looking at a career as a beauty editor in a magazine, working for a cosmetics company or as a make up artist. I realise these particular areas are not easy to get into but everyone starts somewhere. I never even heard of learning disabilities nursing until I did some research!

3. Gain as much experience as you can. This is especially relevant for career choices that are harder to get into, so if you are into beauty then perhaps you could try getting an internship at a magazine or cosmetics company, maybe write a blog about your favourite products, it can be tough but as you build up your CV your chances at succeeding improve. Sometimes it might help if you do a part-time course or do what I did and go back into full time higher education!

4. 80% of jobs are not advertised. I found this statistic out recently and what it means to me is that the best way of finding a job is to research companies you are interested in working for and send your CV to them. Of course, I'd advise this as well as checking job adverts but never be afraid to approach a company, it shows initiative and confidence!

5. Keep up to date with your knowledge of your interest. Every area of work goes through changes no matter what you choose, so keeping up to date with current issues is always going to make you look interested, enthusiastic and knowledgeable. If your main interest is fashion for example, keeping up to date with latest trends and fashion designers is an absolute must when you're trying to get your foot in the door.

6. Don't give up! OK, admittedly I gave up on the whole teaching thing, but not because I stopped believing in myself but because I found something I enjoy a whole lot more. Your interests may change as you gain more experience but you shouldn't give up on yourself or finding your dream career.

I hope this helps anyone.

Lots of Hugs and Stuff

Lindsay xx

Sunday 29 January 2012

Time For Some Words of Inspiration!

Hey Girls!

It's a Sunday evening and I've had quite a busy weekend with karate lesson, gym sessions, taking a group of Cub Scouts swimming and a trip to Bluewater Shopping Centre, so at last I'm able to settle down and write a blog post!

I must admit I have a thing for quotes, it's nice to take the words of others and use them as inspiration. So here are a selection of quotes that I love that make me feel inspired:

"Happiness is like a cat, If you try to coax it or call it, it will avoid you; it will never come. But if you pay not attention to it and go about your business, you'll find it rubbing against your legs and jumping into your lap." - William John Bennett

"We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love." - Dr Seuss

"Today you are you, that's truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you." - Dr Seuss

"Take calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash." - George S Patton

"Believe with all your heart that you will do what you were made to do." - Orison Swett Marden

"Follow your honest convictions, and stay strong." - William Thackeray

"Exert your talents, and distinguish yourself, and don't think of retiring from the world, until the world be sorry that you retire." - Samuel Johnson

"It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed." - Theodore Roosevelt

I think it's so important to remember that life will throw in it's challenges but things will always get better, so it's best just to just be yourself, follow your dreams and live life how you want to live it. Yes, I do sound a bit cliché, don't I? It's all true though, we only have one life so let's make the most of it!

Lindsay xx

Friday 27 January 2012

5 Top Tips For Kick Starting Your Health!

Hey Girls :-)

Lately I have been spending a lot of time at the gym and have changed a lot of my eating habits in order to lose weight and have a healthy lifestyle. So far I have lost 1st 1lb since November, I was naughty over Christmas but ever since New Year I have carried on with the health and fitness regime. It's not easy to get over old habits that made me put on weight in the first place but I've been getting there, so here are my top tips to get yourself started:

1) Find motivation, let's face it you're not going to want to make all these changes if you don't really see a point to it. I think the fact I've lost weight since New Year is purely coincidental, it has more to do with the fact that my sister is getting married in July this year and I'm going to be Maid of Honour and the image I have in my head of wearing a bridesmaid dress at a smaller dress size keeps me going. I want to look my best for my sister's big day. After that my next motivation to carry on and keep weight off will be for my graduation that'll be in 2014.

2) Take up a sport or activity that you really enjoy. I have taken up karate after one of my oldest and best friends convinced me to come along to a lesson, she has been doing it for years and she looks better than ever so I decided to give it a go. I absolutely loved it so I've carried on and since I've joined I have passed my first grading and I am a yellow tip and hoping to get my full yellow belt soon. Of course, you don't have to do a martial art it could be any physical activity whether it's dancing, tennis, squash, swimming etc, there's so much to choose from. If you enjoy it then you're more likely to keep it up.

3) Start changing the way you eat. I joined Slimming World Online and so far I've really enjoyed the plan, I'd seriously recommend giving it a go. It's not a silly fad diet that'll leave you starving but just a whole new way of eating and you never go hungry and there are three plans to choose from (Original, Green and Extra Easy). It may be better to join meetings but I do it online because I'm all over the place due to work, study & travel so I do it online. If you don't want to join a group just make simple changes like doing all the home cooking so you know what goes into your food, eat low fat alternatives of your favourite foods, add as many fruit and veg to your meals, avoid foods that come in a wrapper, write down everything you eat to keep an eye on your food intake and add more lean protein to meals to make them more filling.

4) Try to do at least 150 minutes of exercise a week, try to make it as intense as possible and increase the intensity as you get fitter. You may have to plan it in advance around your everyday routine (for example 30 minutes 5 days a week). You may want to join a gym, but if you do this make sure you look around and it's a gym that'll you enjoy going to, even if that means paying a bit extra. I love the gym I go to because I can spend a good amount of time there, I can do my workout, a swim, use the jacuzzi and steam room before getting a bite to eat in their cafe. If you cannot stand gyms, you could always try brisk walking, jogging or walking outside as well as exercise DVDs and Wii Fit. It's completely up to you, everyone is different so do what is best for you!

5) Drink more water - I know this one is pretty obvious but it's so important! Drinking 2 litres of water a day will make you less bloated, keep your skin looking clear, keep you feeling fuller and stop you from eating when you're not actually hungry. A lot of us don't drink enough water, so it's good thing to remember to do!

Remember, it's all about healthy living and weight loss is great but getting slimmer is just one great side effect, others include feeling more energised, healthy and happier! This is my progress so far:

It's not much but the left is my "before" and right is my "so far" (I'm not at the "after" stage yet). I mostly notice the difference around my face, thighs and waist. I am keeping photos to keep me motivated (see tip 1).

Even if you have no weight to lose it's always a great idea to live a healthy lifestyle, it'll still make you feel great.

I hope you enjoyed my 2nd blog post. I will keep you up to date on my progress.

Lots of Hugs 'n' Stuff

Lindsay xxx

Wednesday 25 January 2012

First Post - Whoop!!

Hey girls!

This is the first post in my new lifestyle blog, I like reading women's magazines, especially the pages to do with real life, advice and articles based on issues and events that affects us 20 - 30 somethings. I have some interest in fashion and beauty but there are LOADS of blogs covering those two subjects so I want to focus mostly on lifestyle!

I decided to name the blog Crazy/Nerdy/Cool because let's face it very few of us could be defined by one word and we all have moments of craziness where we take a leave of our senses and do things we may regret later or things that can make us look a bit insane, we also have times where we get a tad bit too excited over things that other people may consider a bit geeky or not cool and lastly we are pretty damn cool! I think we should embrace these things and enjoy life!

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the blog and hopefully some people will follow!

Lots of Hugs 'n' Stuff
Lindsay xx